Government Funded Childcare

Oakengates Nursery School offer government-funded childcare. If eligible, you could be entitled to up to 15 or 30 hours of funded childcare, depending on your eligibility and your child's age, each year for your child.

Please see more information below or please get in touch with our admin office on 01952 387 910 or by emailing 


Talking 2s Funding 

If you claim certain benefits, you may be eligible for free education and childcare for 2-year-olds under a separate scheme.

Click here to access the Telford and Wrekin 'Talking 2s' page. 


Childcare Choices

The government’s Childcare Choices website provides comprehensive guidance on available childcare cost support options. It also gives access to the application process for childcare accounts and funding entitlements—ensuring you select the options that suit your circumstances.

Eligibility for funded hours is assessed by HMRC, and parents are encouraged to check their own eligibility via the appropriate government website. Childcare Choices also allows you to compare options and determine what works best for your family.

Please click here to find out if you can access support with childcare through the childcare choices website.

What does Funded Childcare really mean? 

Government funding is intended to deliver a certain amount, (15 or 30 hours a week), of childcare across a specific duration of the year (38 weeks out of 52). Government funding is not intended to cover the costs of meals, other consumables, additional hours or additional activities.

The term 'Free childcare' can be misleading. At our nursery we refer to it as Government Funded Childcare. 


Additional costs for lunchtime childcare and meals are set out on our 'Paying for your Childcare' Page under 'Wrap Around Care.'

Government Childcare Expansion

More information about the government Childcare expansion of support can be found here. 

Reconfirmation of Childcare Codes

You must confirm your details are up to date every 3 months or your code will expire.

Sign into your childcare account to confirm your details.

You will receive an email reminder through your government childcare account. 

Code application and confirmation deadlines

Autumn Term 

Spring Term  Summer Term 
31 August  31 December 31 March

If you are new to our nursery, please book an appointment for you and your child to have a look around.


Telephone:                   01952 387910
E Mail: